Building Permit Fee Estimate
Welcome. This Fee Estimator Calculator provides preliminary calculations on what the approximate charges may be, based upon the amount of total construction value. The Estimator was created to assist Contractors, Homeowners and Developers in estimating what the Building and Trade permit fees might be for their project.
Permit Category:
To clear the form, check the box and then the submit button.
Permit Type:
Permit Fee Type:
Clear Form
Type of Work:
Deck Area:
Heated Square Feet:
Unheated Square Feet: Renovated Area:
Building Contract Cost less equipment over $500K:
Sub Trades Contract Cost:
Number of Sub Trade Types:
New Feature - To calculate equipment costs when there is at least one (1) piece of equipment over $500,000, enter the total equipment cost in the Equipment Cost field. Do not include this cost in the Master Contract Cost field. The system will calculate the total equipment cost as follows: $500,000 at 100%, the remaining equipment cost at 20%.
Total Of All Equipment:
Equipment Cost at 100%:
Equipment Cost at 20% $0.00
TotalEquipCalculationOver500000: $0.00
Permit Fee Subtotal: $0.00 Links:
Commercial Surcharge Fee: $0.00
Fee Ordinance
Building Ordinance
Permit Fee Estimate: $0.00
The fees listed above are ESTIMATES, which DO NOT INCLUDE fees for Plan Review, Mega Plan Review, City or County Fire, Food Service, Sewer and Water Connection, City or County Engineering, Zoning and Land Development. These additional fees may be required due to your project scope of work. Other permits may be necessary (electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fire, public works, etc.) based upon state contractor laws and General Statutes. If you need assistance understanding which additional fees may be applicable to your project, you can contact our AST Support Staff at 980-314-2633, option 2, then 2, then 3.
You may also want to link to our Fee Ordinance and our Building Development Ordinance.
Screen ID: 565265